Get involved with student clubs and organizations

What goes on at Susquehanna? Plenty! More than 150 active clubs and organizations give you opportunities for fun, leadership, service and more. Get involved and get ready for memories and experiences that last a lifetime!

Take your pick from student-run groups, club sports, honor societies, academic clubs, volunteer organizations and more. Find your place in student-operated media. Or join a professional organization or Greek chapter.

Don’t see a club for you? Then start a new one! Contact the Office of Leadership and Engagement for more info.

Campus Beauty

Academic Clubs and Societies

Beef up your resume by joining a club based on your major. We’ve got a club for everything from accounting to history to biology.

Diversity Clubs

Cultivating an appreciation for diverse backgrounds and experiences is a vital part of our mission.

Greek Life

Join the vibrant Greek Life community at Susquehanna University and make lifelong connections! Nearly 30% of our student body is involved in one of the 11 socia

Performing Arts Clubs

Let your love for the stage lead you to one of our performing arts clubs. You’ll get the chance to express yourself through song, dance, the spoken word and mor

Publications and Media Clubs

Let your voice be heard by joining one of our literary publications or media organizations.

Special Interest Clubs

With more than 30 recognized special interest clubs, there are plenty of options to keep you busy.

Spirituality & Meaning

At Susquehanna, religious and spiritual life is as diverse as the university’s vibrant student body.

Student Programs

Want to help decide and organize concerts, coffeehouse acts, films, magicians, speakers and comedians that come to campus?

Volunteer and Service Clubs

Make a difference on campus and in the community by participating in one of Susquehanna University’s many volunteer and service organizations.


You’ll Have A Blast At Susquehanna!

Contact Us

Student Activities and Programs

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Degenstein Campus Center

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